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Magrats Frage

Da setzte ich an*.

Operation nackte Allerleirau: “And the fur-tails you wore at Feuertanz Festival, Maral, are they also super-eco fake fur?”

Maral von Omnia: “Actually, Uta, they are super-eco, but not fake. I believe we can use all of an animal once it has been (respectfully, of course) slaughtered.”

OnA: “I would be fine with your view – if your building-block arguments were right – but alas, they are not. 1. You do not use “all of an animal”, since, I assume, you did not eat the racoons whose tails you wear. The same holds for leather: It is often different animals whose meat you eat and who are slaughtered for leather (I could not believe that once, but I am afraid it is true). 2. Also, most likely, animals killed in our society today are not respectfully slaughtered (let’s leave aside for now the question of whether any slaughtering can ever be “respectful”). Since every minute costs, animals are killed in a hurry, many of them suffering much more than necessary. I recommend you (and any other) to watch this extract from the great film “earthlings”: www.youtube.com/watch .”

Maral: “I appreciate your concern, Uta, but the least person you probably have to educate on these matters is me. I wear animal-friendly fur and/or leather.”

OnA: “OK, so maybe YOU have to educate ME. What is animal-friendly fur and leather and where do you buy it?”

Darauf wusste Maral wohl keine Antwort. Schade.

* Da meine Posts gelöscht wurden, konnte ich die Diskussion nur rekonstruieren. Marals Statements, die mir gut in Erinnerung waren (kurz, wie sie waren...), dürften jedoch so gut wie 1:1 widergegeben sein.